Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stop it! Just... Stop. It. Now!

I'm saying something, not to spark an argument (Trolls, get back under your bridges!), but just because I need to say it!
I HATE that in lieu of the tragedy in Connecticut, we as Americans have found yet one more thing to disagree upon.
Now, everyone who knows me knows I'm a space muffin (bleeding heart liberal) but I honestly don't know how I feel about gun control. But my view on that is irrelevant  The issue I take right now is that this horrifying, unfathomable, heart-wrenching act of violence happened and now the liberals and conservatives are once again sniping at one another.
What happened was something so terrible and so unbelievably awful that I can't even really think about it. But should we be using it as a reason to come together; or yet another thing to take cheap shots at each other and argue with one another about?
It seems like every single time something bad happens, liberals and conservatives alike use it to climb back on top of their fucking soapboxes and start beating their chests and reminding us of all the reasons why THEY'RE right and the other side is wrong.
Hurricane Sandy hit and the democrats were like, "See! This is why the Republicans are idiots! If they have their way, these people won't get any help!" While I may agree, all this does is create more divide.
CHILDREN were murdered in cold blood by a man who obviously had many issues with his mental health that should have been recognized and treated. Instead of fighting about gun control, how about we comfort one another in the wake of such a horrific tragedy?
After September 11, 2001, I remember the camaraderie between ALL Americans. Democrats and Republicans, Muslims and Buddhists and Christians and Jews and Atheists, all races and heritages pulled together as one. We came together in shock and sadness; horror and rage. We comforted strangers and wept together as a nation. I was so very proud to be an American.
Somehow, somewhere between then and now, we've become more divided than I'd ever thought possible. We're all so busy blaming one another for the state of the economy right now that we've let the most important part of being Americans fall through the cracks.
Yes, the economy blows. The Hubbs and I bought a house in 2006 that we're now so currently upside-down on that I'm thinking we may just plan on what rooms we'll be assigning to the grandkids.
Yes, we need to figure shit out to prevent further tragedies like the one in Connecticut. Does that mean more gun control or does it mean that people just need to SPEAK UP when they hear or see someone doing something? I don't know. I don't have answers for each and every separate issue our country is facing at the moment but I DO know one thing: None of it is going to get fixed until we stop blaming each other and start helping one another. We are all in this together, regardless of political, religious, and moral views. The sooner we pull together instead of apart, the sooner we can start putting the pieces of this once amazing country back together.